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Tuesday 15 February 2011

SALT. - Pastor Tony

[Concurrent Service - February 13]

nope. Not S.A.L.T. Let's not get our hopes too high that this would be about the 'oh-so-hot' Angelina Jolie. It's about the 'salt' God wants us to be. Hehe.

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses it's saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled on foot. -Matthew 5:13

Now, let's talk about salt. Here's a little illustration : If u were given a piece of raw meat and some salt, what would u do with them? Obviously, to rub the salt on the piece of meat right? But, why is it that we have to that? Here's why.
  1. To season the meat.

  2. To cure the meat.

  3. To preserve it ; prevent it from being contaminated/corrupt.

Here's another one : When u eat a packet of chips. Delicious, tasty, salty chips. U'd get really thirsty after that. Why exactly? - It's the effect of the salt. Salt naturally makes u thirst.

God was letting us know in Matthew 5:13 that we ought to prevent the world form being corrupted moreover, to make them thirst for God. But in order to do that, we have to first be pure. Our lives has to attract others otherwise, we wouldn't be able to accomplish what we're called to do.

The system of the world has corrupted itself. Look around u and turn on the TV. Corruption is everywhere! In countries, politics, entertainment industries, workplaces, school, families. Its all over the place. We can't run from it! But u know what? As God's children, we're enabled to stand above it. He has even bestowed upon us the great responsibility of helping our friends, families and the people around us from being part of the corruption as we live our lifes in the world, NOT OF THE WORLD. But how?

By causing them to thirst for God. By being an influence. By living lives attracting to them. As we do that, they would be curious and yearn to know how amazing God really is. We must be an example in our actions, speech, and conduct. If we are judgmental or we love gossiping or even add vulgarity in our speech or we post things up on Facebook or our blogs that reflects only negativity, we are just going to turn them off. So, do not do that!

As you strive to be the salt of this world, always remember that God never gives up on us. So we shouldn't give up on ourselves. In your falls and failings, hold on strong to the promises of God and never let go.

Let's get salty! ;D

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