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Thursday 30 October 2008

The Power in Your Words Part 7

Declare God’s Favor

Whether we realize it or not, our words affect our children’s future for either good or evil. Our words have the same kind of power that Isaac’s words had. We need to speak loving words of approval and acceptance, words that encourage, inspire, and motivate our children to reach for new heights. When we do that, we are speaking blessings into their lives. We are speaking abundance and increase. We’re declaring God’s favor in their lives.

But too often, we slip into being harsh and critical with our children, constantly finding fault in something our children are doing. “Why can’t you make better grades? You didn’t mow the lawn right. Go clean your room--it looks like a pigpen! You can’t do anything right, can you?”

Such negative words will cause our children to lose the sense of value God has placed within them. As parents, we do have a responsibility before God and society to train our children, to discipline them when they disobey, to lovingly correct them when they make wrong choices. But we should not constantly harp on our kids. If you continually speak words that discourage and dishearten, before long you will destroy your child’s self-image. And with your negative words, you will open a door, allowing the enemy to bring all kinds of insecurity and inferiority into your child’s life. Millions of adults today are still suffering as a result of the negative words their parents spoke over them as children.

Remember, if you make the mistake of constantly speaking negative words over your children, you are cursing their future. Moreover, God will hold you responsible for destroying their destiny. With authority comes responsibility, and you have the responsibility as the spiritual authority over your child to make sure that he feels loved, accepted, and approved. You have the responsibility to bless your children.

Beyond that, most children get their concepts of who God is and what He is like from their fathers. If their father is mean, critical, and harsh, inevitably the children will grow up with a distorted view of God. If the father is loving, kind, compassionate, and just, the child will better understand God’s character.

One of the reasons I talk so much about the goodness of God is because I saw it modeled by my dad. Nobody could have represented God any better to us Osteen kids than my dad did. Even when we made mistakes or got off track, while Daddy was firm, he was also lov­ing and kind. He nurtured us back to the right course. He never beat us into line; he loved us into line. Although he was very busy, he always took time for us. He encouraged us to do great things, to fulfill our dreams. He used to say, “Joel, don’t do what I want you to do. Do what you want to do. Follow your own dreams.”

Daddy believed in my brother and sisters and me. He told us we were great, even when we knew we weren’t. He referred to us as blessings when we knew we weren’t acting as blessings. Sometimes we’d make him mad, and he’d say, “I’m about to beat a little blessing to death!”

Mother and Daddy raised five children in our home. When we were growing up, we didn’t have children’s church programs such as many churches now have. We all met in the same auditorium. My little sister, April, and I used to sit on the front row of that little feed store that held about two hundred people. We’d play tic-tac-toe the whole service. (I’m confessing to let you know there’s still hope for your children. I didn’t pay attention, and God made me a pastor. Who knows what God is going to do with your children!)

Daddy would be up on the platform, and Mother would have all five of us kids lined up in a row. She’d have her hands raised in the air, worshiping God with her eyes completely closed. Yet she had an incredible ability, even with her eyes closed, to know when we kids were cutting up. That amazed me. I think that was my first experience with the supernatural power of God! I’d watch Mother to make sure that her eyes were closed before I’d do something to aggravate my brother, Paul. Without missing a beat, Mother would slowly bring one hand down, very gracefully grab my arm, and pinch the fire out of me! I wanted to scream, but I knew better.

And then she’d lift that arm back up and continue worshiping the Lord.

I used to think, Mama, you have a gift. That’s supernatural!

I’m joking (a little), but the point is my siblings and I were not perfect kids. We made plenty of mistakes. But my parents never focused on our weaknesses or on the problems. They always focused on the solutions. They constantly told us we were the best kids in the world. And we grew up secure, knowing that our parents not only loved each other, but they loved us and believed in us. They were going to stand behind us through thick and thin. We knew they were never going to criticize or condemn us, but would always believe the best in us.

Because I grew up with acceptance and approval from my parents, now, as a father myself, I’m practicing the same sort of thing with my children. I’m speaking words of blessing into their lives that will be passed down to another generation. And I know my children will pass down the goodness of God to their children, and on and on.

One of the first things I do when I see my little boy Jonathan, in the morning is to say “Jonathan, you’re the best.” I’m constantly telling him, “Jonathan, you are God’s gift to Mother and me. We love you. We’re proud of you. We’ll always stand behind you.” I tell our daughter, Alexandra, the same sort of things.

Before they go to bed, I tell both of our children, “Daddy will always be your best friend.” Victoria and I constantly tell them, “There’s nothing you can’t do. You have a bright future in front of you. You’re surrounded by God’s favor. Everything you touch is going to prosper.”

Victoria and I believe that we have an opportunity and a responsibility to speak God’s blessings into our children now, while they are young. Why should we wait till they are teenagers, or in their twenties and about to get married, to begin praying for God’s blessings in their lives? No, we’re declaring God’s blessings over them all the days of their lives. And we are convinced that our words will impact our children long after they are grown and have children of their own.

What are you passing down to the next generation? It’s not enough to think it; you must vocalize it. A blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken. Your children need to hear you say words such as, “I love you. I believe in you. I think you’re great. There’s nobody else like you. You are one of a kind.” They need to hear your approval. They need to feel your love. They need your blessing.

Your children may be grown and gone, but that shouldn’t stop you from picking up the phone to call and encourage them, to tell them you are proud of them. Maybe you didn’t do well at blessing your children as they were growing up. It’s not too late. Start to do it now.

-James Lau
You may think that this is irrelevant. But let us widen our horizons and see a bigger picture. We may be just teenagers and not even close to being a parent yet. Just take this as a lesson to be learned to prepare us for the future.

Some of us readers may even experience a childhood that you never want to look back upon. The words your parents had spoken, those harsh words that are still kept somewhere in your heart that you choose to ignore. And it hurts everytime it comes flying back.

Some of us never hear our parents saying those 3 words that means a lot to us. "I love you."

There might be a minority that wishes they had better parents.
Do you know that all these can affect you when you become a parent one day?

How about making this relevant to us, now.

What we say and do to our friends and family affects them and sometimes even we ourselves will be affected.

Ask yourself, what your friends and family said to you that affected you? And are you picking on others just cause some time ago, friends and family picked on you?You feel very good after doing so, why?

Take for example, people used to comment on how bad you dress. Then you develope this same habit and say to other people.

"I used to be fat, and people around make fun of me. At first i take it as a joke, but sooner it made me more conscious of my body. So i chose to take those words as a challenge and i achieved my goal of becoming fit. Then, when i was fit and no longer fat i commented on others(fat people) forgetting i once was in their shoes. I came to my senses and realised it hurt me then and i do not want to do the same thing to others."


"My parents called me useless and stupid. It takes only one time, and it affected me. Really bad. I used to be a student with excellent results, but since then i did not do well. I dont know if i'm taking revenge or those words just spoke volume and i took it seriously. I'm learning to forgive my parents and myself too and not taking it into account."


"My dad is a hot-tempered man. Because of him, i hate all man.(boys included) I've been putting up with his temper for a very long time. and i gave up. although i still believe that God exist and that He is my heavenly father. but i just couldnt...for my earthly dad. I involved myself in lesbianism, because i have given up hope for all man. they are simply useless in my world. I know that it is wrong but i'm still searching until i find answers i will not change."


Friends, just a word of advice. Think before you speak. ;)

adding to it, actions speaks louder than words.

God bless you.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

The Power in Your Words Part 6

Speaking a Blessing

As parents, we can profoundly influence the direction of our children’s lives by the words we say to them. I believe as husbands and wives we can set the direction for our entire family. As a business owner, you can help set the direction for your employees. With our words, we have the ability to help mold and shape the future of anyone over whom we have influence.

And each of us has influence over somebody. You may not consider yourself a leader, but you have a sphere of influence nonetheless--somebody or some group that looks up to you. Even if you’re a teenager, somebody values your opinion. It is vital that we speak “good things” into the lives of those over whom we have influence. That doesn’t mean we will never disagree with them or have to confront and correct them. But the general tenor of our words to them and about them should be positive.

A well-meaning mother was constantly nagging her teenage son. “You’re so lazy; you’re never going to amount to anything! If you don’t shape up, you’re never going to get into college. You’ll probably wind up getting into trouble.”

Those kinds of negative words will destroy a person quicker than you can imagine. You cannot speak negatively about someone on one hand, then turn around and expect that person to be blessed. If you want your son or daughter to be productive and successful, you need to begin declaring words of life over your children rather than predictions of doom and despair. The Scripture reminds us that with our words we can bless people or we can curse them.

In the Old Testament, the people clearly understood the power of the blessing. As the family patriarch approached senility or death, the oldest sons gathered alongside their father. The father would then lay his hands on each son’s head and speak loving, faith-filled words over them about their future. These pronouncements comprised what was known ever after as “the blessing.” The family realized that these were more than Dad’s dying wishes; these words carried spiritual authority and had the ability to bring success, prosperity, and health into their future.

Many times, children even fought over the father’s blessing. They’ weren’t fighting over money that they might inherit. Nor were they arguing over the family business. No, they were fighting over faith-filled words. They realized that if they received the father’s blessing, wealth and success would be a natural by-product. Beyond that, they deeply desired the blessing from somebody they loved and respected.

One of the most amazing biblical records concerning the power of the blessing comes out of the lives of Jacob and Esau, the two sons of Isaac. Jacob wanted his father’s blessing--not just any blessing, but the blessing that rightfully belonged to the firstborn son in the family. Isaac was old, near death, and he was practically blind. One day he called in his son Esau and said, “Esau, go kill some game, and prepare me a meal and I will give you the blessing that belongs to the first­born son.” But Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, overheard this conversation. Rebekah loved Jacob more than she loved Esau, so she told Jacob to put on Esau’s clothes in an attempt to trick Isaac into giving him the blessing. Then she prepared one of Isaac’s favorite meals.

While Esau was out in the field hunting, she said to Jacob, “Go to your father and present him this food. And he’ll give you the blessing that really belongs to your brother.”

Jacob recognized the seriousness of this duplicity. He said, “But Mother, what if he finds out that I’m lying, and he curses me instead of blesses me? I’ll be cursed for the rest of my life!”

Think about that. Jacob understood that he was risking his entire future on this gambit. He recognized that the words his father spoke over him would impact him, for either good or evil, the rest of his life.

speaking of blessings, remember my dear brother and sisters to count your blessings!

and be thankful!

God bless you!

Saturday 18 October 2008


hmm... *wonders* from all the feedbacks i'm getting, every form 3 students are BORED. thats so weird. very weird. they SHOULD be having fun every min of the day!! but they claimed to be BORED. weird.very weird. evolution of human beings.

so... please ...




































Monday 13 October 2008


Monday 13th October
Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1

Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2

Tuesday 14th October
English Paper 1

English Paper 2

Science Paper 1

Science Paper 2

Wednesday 15th October
Mathematics Paper 1

Mathematics Paper 2

History Paper 1

Thursday 16th October
Kemahiran Hidup Paper 1

Mandrin Language Paper 2
Tamil Language Paper 2
Iban Language Paper

Mandrin Language Paper 1
Tamil Language Paper 1

Friday 17th October
Geography Paper 1

At 9.30am every form 3 students will raise their flag and sing MERDEKA! Everyone lets share their joy together gether k??

Youth Alive! is wishing all the form 3 students all the best!
May God's blessings and protection be with you as you sit for ur major exam.
and for others, please keep our dear form 3 brothers and sisters in prayer at all times.

God bless you.

Saturday 11 October 2008

no stress, no stress


i know i know.

Some of you finished, some going to, and some have not started yet.

i know i know

STRESS ryte??

i know i know...

BUT here is something for you to D-STRESS.

God's Promises.

B4 examination

I'm so worried about this particular subject....
"Do not worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart. And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your heart and mind safe in union with Him."

My mind cannot concentrate during revision
"You, Lord give me perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in You."

I cant even sleep peacefully nowadays
"I lie down and sleep, I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."

I am physically and mentally fatigued
"They that waits upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings of eagles, they shall run and not be worry, they shall walk and not faint."

There is no hope for I am too far behind to catch up
"Why am I so sad? Why am I so troubled? I'll put my hope in God, and once again I will praise Him, my God."

Will everything go wrong?
"I am your God who will take care of you until you are old and your hair is grey, I made you and will take care of you. I'll give you help and rescue you."

During Examination

I don't understand the question
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

I'm too nervous to think properly
"Peace is what I leave to you; it is My own peace that I give you. I do not give as the world does. Do not be worried and upset, do not be afraid."

The question needs much wisdom and I dont have it
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

After Examination

What will my result be like?
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart."

Doesnt God care if I fail?
"Leave your worries with Him because He cares for you."

P/s : Remember to always pray before and after you sit for your papers!

if you need prayers, dont be shy to ask the people around you; your brothers and sisters in Christ, leaders or even Ps. to pray for you. They will be more than willing, trust me.

alrgt, signing off now.
God bless ya all!

Friday 10 October 2008


#1 Pot Luck in Ah Sher's

*credits: Pics and Vid by Daniel Seliong

#2 Ps. Gideon's "4oth" Birthday

Sara connecting with her inner child

joined by Kelly

mischievious smile you have there samson

secret hideout

Ps. Gideon looking like ah so here

boy boy, they sang SOOO LOUD that they scared Josiah. Just look at Elisa.

gotta treat Ps. just like our own...

woopsie daisie, someone "sandwiched" Ps with the cake.

look at what he did to his cake (backgound: Lisa is shocked)

why no one told us Ps. joined pageant? and He won an "old" award.

Ps sitting so comfortably waiting for people to serve him.

ahhh!!! GHOST!!!

The JOY of having balloons

Sara wasnt the only one. Eric and Shie Yee too revealed the other side of them.

drinking eh...?


i see double.. do you?

its a rap! Elisa is overjoyed.

*credits: Pictures by Kenny Chin
#3 Picnic in Botanic Park/Yap's

I LURVE this. Bewtipul. Tastieeeee. (by Rachel)

if u look closely at Matthew's pic, he is trying to listen what the can is speaking to him.

Kelsey is enjoying yummylicious food.
Alison attacked by the girls.Wild.

Guys revealing their "masculinity"

*wonders* When and what will be the next event...
*credits: Pics and vid by Daniel Seliong