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Tuesday 1 February 2011

Have a Blessed Chinese New Year!

And it's that time of the year again! CHINESE NEWWW YEARRR! Whoopee! A break from all we've been obligated to, new clothes & bling bling, mandarine oranges, ba kuas, cookies & tarts, yee sang, family members, visits, and LOADS OF MOOLAH in RED PACKETSSSSS!!! Yay, ANGPAUS! U just can't wait right??!

As we all have a great time celebrating this festive season, let's keep those less fortunate in prayer aite? Those who loss family members, those who have noone and unable to celebrate, and those in FLOODED AREAS unable to stay in their own homes! Yup. ** 'i close my eyess and i can see a better day. i close my eyes and PRAY'' - Mr. Bieber. **

Have a safe trip as you balik kampung and most of all, HAVE A BLESSED CHINESE NEW YEAR! GONG XI FA CAI! =D

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