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Saturday 29 September 2007

Have you ever wonder?

Have you ever wonder, what is happening in this world now ?
Have you ever wonder, why are people out there suffering ?
Have you ever wonder, what our world will become one day?
Have you ever asked why......?

When things are happening when they're not suppose to be,
some people often wonder, is God helping them? Is God protecting them?
If He is , then why are all these disasters and problems happening to those people out there?

The answer, is very simple. God created this world and everything that is in it. So of course He cares for His people. He knows what He's doing. You may not understand what is happening now but God knows it . His thoughts and actions are at a more higher standard compare to ours.

So lets just let God take control of everything and try our very best to obey our beloved Father in heaven. Amen?

" 'Who makes mouths?' the Lord asked him. 'Who makes people so they can speak or not speak, hear or not hear, see or not see? Is it not I, the Lord?' " Exodus 4:11

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.
" As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and your thoughts and My thoughts."

So, have a nice day people !! God bless ya'll!!

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