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Monday 10 September 2007

exams EXAMS eXaMs ExAmS !!!!

From Kelli Mahoney,
Your Guide to Christian Teens.

How to Cope with Stress, Stress, and More Stress
It's that time of year. You have finals. Term papers. It's the holidays. There are parties to plan, and presents to buy. It can all make for more stress and less fun.

However, there is hope. Psalm 119: 143 states, "Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight." God is there for you in the stressful times. He offers you tools through prayer and devotions to reduce much of your stress. There are also some other tools you can use to let go of stressful burdens and relax.

If studying is getting you down, you can also use some study tips to help you get through exam time with a little less stress. During this busy time of year you can use all the help you can get.

Top 9 Exam Study Tips for Christian Teens

From Kelli Mahoney,
Your Guide to Christian Teens.

Whether you are about to take final exams, midterms, or the ACT, knowing those tests are looming in the future can be pretty stressful. Don't let the stress get to you. Here are eight surefire ways to make sure you are ready physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually to take those exams.

Sometimes life gets pretty stressful. Many teens feel stressed around big moments in their lives like final exams, prom, applying to college, or the first day of school. Stress can be a pretty dangerous thing, because it clouds our judgment and can cause physical problems like illness. It can also get in the way of our spiritual lives by fostering anger or resentment toward God. Here are some ways to cope with stress:

1. Pray
There is nothing like getting closer to God in order to reduce stress. Sitting down and releasing all of your worries, anger, and other feelings to God can do a lot to lift off the burden of stress. Tell God about your circumstances and hand over all your burdens to him. The release of things into His hands does a lot to help you cope.

Psalm 130:1-2 - "Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. O Lord, hear my voice. Let your years be attentive to my cry for mercy."(NIV)

2. Laugh
Laughter is really one of the best medicines. When things get stressful do the things that make you laugh. Watch a funny movie. Read a funny book. Laugh with friends and family. Take some time out to laugh at life.

3. Take a Deep Breath
Breathing is a great way to reduce your stress. Taking deep breaths and doing breathing exercises may seem silly, but it does a lot to relax your body and clear up some of the things clouding your head.

4. Plan Ahead
Most teens don't think much about their date book. They tend to study when test time comes close, do their homework right before it is due, and just "go with the flow." However, having a plan will do a lot to decrease your stress. Give yourself the appropriate amount of time to complete tasks, and break those tasks down into manageable portions.

5. Sleep
Sleep is another great tool in reducing stress. It is essential to allowing our bodies to recover from daily stress. You should be getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Pulling an "all-nighters" may seem like a way to get things done, but eventually that lack of sleep takes its toll by making you sick or cranky.

6. Keep Your Eyes Focused on God
Prayer is a big part of reducing stress, but so is keeping your focus on God. Using your devotional can be another way for you to let go of some of the things putting pressure on you. You can lose yourself for a while in the Word. It will help improve your attitude and allow you to relax away from parents, studies, and more.

7. Choose the Right Friends
As a Christian, not all your friends need to be Christians, but you do need to have some friends that support you in your faith. Without good support, being a Christian can be stressful in itself. Consider getting involved in Christian activities either at school or at church. Surround yourself with people that will be supportive during stressful times and not add to your burdens.

8. Learn to Say "No"
When most people think of the slogan "Just Say No" they think of drugs and alcohol. However, this should be the mantra for a stressed-out student. Some stress comes from doing everything you're asked to do. There are some times when it is okay to say "no" to the requests of friends, families, teachers, and more. If it is going to add too significantly to your stress level, say so.

Whatever your pain, there will be sunshine after the rain. Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps you may fall, but GOD is always there to help you through it all.
Revelation 12:11
Do everything you know to do and trust God. You dont have to manipulate decisions and worry about things you cant see. You dont have to go through life by yourself anymore. Rest in the peace God brings. Maybe, if we could hear Him, He would be saying, "Stop fighting the battle. I've already done that for you. Be still, rest. Open your eyes. My love for you has cast out all fear. Look at what I've done. Stop wringing your hands in worry. I LOVE YOU. I want you to experience the peace I've given you."

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27

Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope.
2 Thessalonians 2:16

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take me yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heartm and you will find rest for your souls For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

REMEMBER...Just do not let this happen... LOL



for those who are sitting for

PMR. SPM trials. END year examination. SAT. A-levels. SAM. Foundations.


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