Ps. Mike Constantine
8 QUALITIES to Develope GOOD Strong Relation about Ourselves
How do you feel when people reject you, without even knowing the REAL you?
We must make an effort to connect with the new ones and the young people that are coming up from the next generation to join this youth group. Especially the older ones, dont let them feel or be left out.
Some of us are very hard to connect to.This is because before stepping in to a new place or situations, you tell yourself "They will not like me.They will not like me" And this thought keeps playing in your mind until it got grip of your life and mind.
Instead of assuming they will not like you or you cant do it, ask yourself "How can I be like them?(good company and not bad company k?)
Do not anticipate rejection!
FLUSH the thought of "nobody gonna like me!" break out of the shell. if u need a hammer ask God for the "holy hammer" lol (the "strength")
RUMOURS are often alway NEGATIVE
When a rumour reach to u, YOU make a difference! STOP whenever it reaches u! I believe you and I can do it!
What if... YOU ARE the OBJECT of the rumour?
Whenever you want to START or PASS any rumour ask yourself that question.
"In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.(Matthew 7:12)"
Believe the best in people around you.Live up for the best.
When you believe the best in everyone. They will believe in themselves and believe in what you believe in. :)
I love the song he sang, i like the most was this sentence that goes something like nothing else matters as long as you love Christ or something like tht.
This is important especially in our speech and during communications.
"When you're talking at each other, you're not talking with each other."
Keep in mind that when you are talking to that particular person, its not about getting or hammering at each other is understanding its all about "LISTENING".
IF you are ever caught in a situation where both of you are trying to get what you believe or have in mind across to each other, stop and listen to what he/she has to say. Then take a step at a time to try to understand. Ask God for wisdom. LOL. I'm serious. It'll really help. You see, praying in tongues can prevent you from firing up at your fren :) try it... if it comes true Praise God! but if it dint then u need a "SELF EVALUATION TIME!"
definition of prejudice
1) opinions formed beforehand
-a preformed opinion, usually an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes
2) the holding of ill-informed opinions
-the holding of opinions that are formed beforehand on the basis of insufficient knowledge
3) irritational dislike of somebody
-an unfounded hatred, fear, or mistrust of a person or group, especially one of a particular religion, ethnicity, nationality, or social status
4) disadvantage or harm
-law disadvantage or harm caused to somebody or something
He is concentrating more on numbers 1,2 and 3.
Its really true that most of us are quick in giving negative judgements.
There are also such thing as "age prejudice"
"The older generations can be disrespectful of the younger generations."(C.S Lewis)
We need to update ourselves with the current things that are happening, the changes in the younger generations. But be remindful that we are in the world but not of the world.
The music our generations are playing is loud. Some of our parents discourage us to play and all. You will think that your parents do not understand or get irritated and brought down by their words. There is one fren of mine, she advised to pray and fast about it. "Prayer moves the hands of God." No matter how hard your parents' shell can be but nothing is too hard nor too impossible for our Almighty God!
When we grow old, we too gotta update ourselves. AS time pass things will be different, no doubt! You will one day be in your parents shoes! ;)
"God I dont want this in my life because it will destroy...."
Dont entertain those things. Dont build on it. Get rid of it.
You cannot force people that are shy or quiet to open up.
And NOBODY can force YOU to open up.
Instead you can be inviting and encouraging them. To show that you can be trusted.
When someone trust u and tells u of their secrets, do not betray their trust. You do not want the same happening to you too rgt? So dont entertain the thought of blurting it out.
Relationship works when there is forgiveness.
God forgives us when we did not live the way we are suppose to live. And of course you need to repent.
God forgave us when He send His ONE AND ONLY son, Jesus to the cross to shed His blood that our sins are cleansed.
Then why do we have the rights to not forgive the little, little things. If it was BIG, then how big was it for ONE person to sacrifice His life on the cross for sinners like you and me? Even there is only ONE person in this world, Christ will still sacrifice on the cross for U! To reserve a place for you in heaven!
Be MERCIFUL to each other.
- Give each other a break.
- Do not treat each other and keep account.
- Everyone needs mercy(space)
- All of us are in process of being molded by God.
We are all called to be submissive to our leaders.
What is humility?
that person is
1) Teachable.
We need to listen to advice from the wise. We're all learning together.
The danger
too proud to listen to their teachers (can be anyone that is trying to teach u or advice u)
pride always perceive rebellion,
rebellion always perceive preceptions,
preceptions always perceive destructions.
-> person rejects teaching will wake up to say "if only" he listen to the teachers' teaching at the end of the day.
We humans are always like that. We tend to regret for not listening. We just need to experience it and suffer to wake us up.
Yet for some of us, we are still repeating the same thing over and over again.
Take your stand. Stand firm. Learn the "NO" power. Its always hard to do the right thing but focus on the result of doing the right thing. You'll not be robed by your sins!
2) Reasonable
Dont always have it your way.
We must be flexible
When we are reasonable, it makes us flexible in adapting to situations.
Now you know how to get connected. So now its time for you to put into practice all that you have read and learnt.
Time to ponder :
[A] Do you find that you're not accepting each other?
[B] Are you believing the best or believing rumours?
[C] Are you trying to understand people around you?
[D] Are there any person that you are prejudice of?
[E] Are you the kind of person that stays in your shell?
[F] Will you completely reject those that had hurt you or irritate you?
[G] Are you being graceful and merciful to your parents and leaders?
[H] Are you humbling yourself.And to be teachable and reasonable?
May Our Good Lord Bless you and keep you always!
Jesus loves you and i!
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