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Friday 9 November 2007

resting in Jesus

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:1-2

I have 3 children who are all grown up now. But there is something I noticed over the years with my kids. They were never ever tired. Their eyes might be closing, their speech might be slurring, their legs could be giving way, but if I said, "Josh, are you tired?" he would immediately say, "No." Same with Rachel and John

Kids will never admit that they're tired, because if they admit it they might have to take a nap. And there is nothing worse in a kid's mind than being forced to snooze.

Sheep are like kids. They wont admit it when they are tired. That's why Psalm 23:2 says,"He makes me lie down in green pastures."

I remember putting my son John down for a nap one afternoon. I put him down in the crib, and I walked out and shut the door. I stood by the door for a moment. Withing 10 seconds I heard him grunting and puffing as he pulled himself up on the railing of the crib. I opened the door to see him peering over the side of the crib at me. He mumbled in baby talk, "No nap, Dada."

I put him back down on the matress, and this time I put my hand on his little back. He didnt like that, and he tried to get up again. So I put a little bit more pressure on his back. But he still wanted to get up again. He tried to get up a few more times, but he couldnt quite master enough strength to get beyond my hand. Withing a matter of minutes, he gave up and went to sleep. John didnt want to go to sleep, although he desperately needed to rest. So I had to make him lie down.

Thats what the Shepherd has to do with us sometimes. He makes us lie down. We get busy, we get overcommitted, we get caught up in the rat race. So he will make us lie down. He can use a financial setback to make us lie down. He can use a heart attack to make us lie down. He can use a job layoff to make us lie down. When we refuse to rest, He will step in and make us rest. Its His job to save us from ourselves.

- Steve Farrar
Why is it so difficult for me to find true rest?
What will happen if I truly seek peace in Jesus, instead of trying to create my own?
To all our dear Form 5ives who will be going for SPM war on monday
ALL THE BEST! Seek peace and rest in God. Its time to lay down your worries, doubts and all that you've studied before God. Do your best and God will do the rest. GOd bless you!

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