“For the law was given to Moses, but Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” John 1:17. Grace. God’s precious gift, His one and only, His favoured one, our righteousness, our forgiver, our counselor, our comforter and close friend-Jesus.
Before his humble arrival, it was the law that God pierced onto the tablets to reflect man’s fallen nature.
Spelling every sinful nature that man is prone to, inclined towards and tempted into, only the high priest of the highest order could perform the atonement of man’s ugliness. His glory, splendour and love were hindered by our scars.
His heart aches. Every beat pounds for reconciliation, restoration and return. And it was then, “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Through him, the sick were healed; the blind was bestowed back with sight, the broken and hurting received comfort, emptiness was made whole again. Yet “the world did not recognize him… and his own did not receive him.”
Grace never lets up. Unconditional, unfailing love drove him to the ghastly crucifix, Golgotha. His crimson flow poured out as the nails of judgment drove deep into Grace’s guiltless hands and feet. “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Grace pleads.
Who is Grace? He is Jesus. God’s begotten son. In him, the remission of sins is possible. In him, we find reconciliation with the Father. Accepting him results in tremendous revolution. Liken a wild beast chained for his sinister and evil desires, Grace resides and breaks those chains. “Christ in me, the hope of glory.”
Condemnation now falls away, never again to besiege man. A new path created. Now man has a choice. A choice to fall into the arms of Grace, or crippled by fear and damnation. Grace is always welcoming, accepting, loving, caring, pardoning and enfolding.
Treading on life’s hazy roads, falters, fumbles and follies of the past may creep in. But “His Grace is more than enough, Grace’s (his) strength is shown in our weakness.” "His word saves our lives". Therefore, let us abandon our old wretched ways and run after Grace. The fountain of living waters and life.
Choose Grace I pray. For it’s Grace that fulfils what the law requires. Understand and immerse yourself in him. For in him, we are a new creation, royalty, beautiful, pure and blameless . It is by Grace. Grace has a name and it is Jesus.
Be blessed!
Youth alive! teens