the BOSS "speaking"...
Dear All,
Jus wanted to share my testimony with all of you. Thanks so much for standing
in prayer with us. Appreciate you guys being there for us.
As you all know my wife Serena, gave birth to a healthy baby boy weighing 2.9kgs
last Fri @ 11th May just before 3pm in Selangor medical Centre in Shah Alam. We really had a scare because our son was premature by a month. On Wed my wife called me while I was in prayer meeting to say that she was bleeding a lot.I then rushed home and immediately sent her to the hospital. When the doc checked her, she was already 2cm dilated but there was no contraction pain. Furthermore the scan showed that the water surrounding the baby was significantly reduced and the doc suspect that she will go into labour soon. However this was not the case and after further checks it was later decided that we would induce the birth on Fri morning.After a gruelling six hours of labour, our son was finally delivered.According to the doc calculations, the weight of our son was suppose to be around 2.3 or 2.4kgs only but thank God when they weighed him,he was 2.9kgs! We jus wan to thank the Lord for His faithfulness in our lives. Our son was pronouced healthy and discharged the next daytogether with his mum. We have aptly named our son Josiah which means - "healed by Jehovah" or "Jehovah will support". Throughout this difficult period the Lord kept reminding me - "Is there anything toodifficult for me, Gideon?" I had to stop and take a step back and answer by faith that there was nothing too difficult for Him!
Btw this will be the title of my message this Sun. Its going to be awesome!May this testimony encourage each one of us that are going through
our own difficult times. Know that God is still seated on the throne and nothing
escapes Him. We may not understand but we can still hang on to the Rock that
never fails. God bless.
Ps.Gideon Lee - Youth Pastor
Youth Alive! of Glad Tidings Assembly Klang
210 Jalan Meru,
41050 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03-33415407
Fax: 03-33418105
H/P: 012-2342822
Lets us all wish congrats to Ps. Gideon and Sis Serena on their new baby boy!and continue to keep them in prayer that God will grant them strength all the days of their lives.oh yea and strength to be able to wake up during the night when the baby calls ehhe..enjoy commander!rmb to gel ur hair in the morning LOL !
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